Lead Pastor

Doug Davidson

I love being involved in a community where I can put down deep roots both in the church and outside these walls. My wife (Bev) would say I am hard to describe because I wear many hats and can juggle a number of ministries and do them well. I am passionate about loving individuals where they are at and seeing them grasp the scriptures in a way where life change is possible. We have raised our family (Katie, Marc and Beth) here in Medina and we have seen the oldest two get married and move. Bev and I are enjoying being empty nesters. I am embracing this stage of ministry where I can faithfully serve while remaining young at heart.

Leadership Team

Elders – Josh Brown and Rob Saba
Deacons – Kathy Summers, Betty Huffman, Henry Huffman, Arlan Gerig, Bob Shirley, and Clint Davis.
Administrative Assistant – Shirley Tormet
Worship/Children Intern – Kristen Horstman
Family Ministries Director – Donna Spitzer